The JW's are the most demon obsessed religion there is.
Satan/demons are just as, if not more important than god to this religon/cult.
They've got the sheeple coming and going.
visiting her "lost son" and this morning she says there was demonic "knocking" on the windows and ceiling and she did not sleep.
my wife has her own buisness and works late so her holiness asked me to drive down to see if she was fornicating with anyone....she thinks two worldly people taking an elevator to the 10 floor would have had sex by the 5th floor....thats the quality of anionted alive today...she is not nuts a well respected pioneer nazi..... .
The JW's are the most demon obsessed religion there is.
Satan/demons are just as, if not more important than god to this religon/cult.
They've got the sheeple coming and going.
visiting her "lost son" and this morning she says there was demonic "knocking" on the windows and ceiling and she did not sleep.
my wife has her own buisness and works late so her holiness asked me to drive down to see if she was fornicating with anyone....she thinks two worldly people taking an elevator to the 10 floor would have had sex by the 5th floor....thats the quality of anionted alive today...she is not nuts a well respected pioneer nazi..... .
My mother isn't annointed and she could have said the same thing if she slept over. . . . although she never will because we won't let her step foot in our home.
My own sleepover story from another thread:
My mother thought everything in the world was demonized, and drilled "DEMONS DEMONS DEMONS" into my head.
So, I went to sleep over a JW friend's house, and when the lights went out, thousands of demons started appearing under my covers! Little scary demonic sparks lighting up everywhere.
My friend tried to explain it away as "static electricity," but I knew better.
My friend's parents called my parents to pick up their whack-job son who thinks that static electricity is demons.
this was on air october 21st:
Marking to watch with wife later.
JW TV indeed!
i have not attended anything jw related for over a year.... until last week when i went to our one day convention.. why you ask?.
i can do what i want i'm a grown adult.. my jw childhood friend who i have not seen forever, came by for a visit.. i mentally went through the check list:.
is she pioneering and need extra time?.
My wife has forbidden me from attending the upcoming assembly day. . . WHICH IS AWSOME!!!
She'll go for family, but she wishes she could stay home too.
so the new awake is up.. first question..... "how did life begin?.
how would you complete the following sentance?.
life is the result of..... a. evolution.
While many insist that an evolutionary origin of life is an indisputable fact, others are not satisfied with the answers that evolution provides regarding how life began and how life developed.
This sentence basically sums up the article. It says,"We don't like your answers."
Written for dummies.
this was posted on a jw site and it would be nice if we could verify.. .. .. as of february 2015, the awake!
will come as a part of the watchtower public edition instead of as a separate magazine.
this is a huge change... with serious cost savings.
All that stands between separate WT and Awake "magazines" right now is a strip of glue down the middle.
I am still predicting they will be combined, but under the new name " magazine"
[quote]some might assume that a scientifically-minded person would pick evolution and that a religious person would pick creation.
but not always.. rama singh, professor of biology at canadas mcmaster university, says: the opposition to evolution goes beyond religious fundamentalism and includes a great many people from educated sections of the population.[/quote].
end-of-quote in awake.
Maybe "Gerard" is a mononymous scientist, you know, like Einstein or Oppenheimer. . . ..
so the new awake is up.. first question..... "how did life begin?.
how would you complete the following sentance?.
life is the result of..... a. evolution.
For example, the Bible does not support creationism. It does not state that the earth was created in six literal 24-hour days
It doesn't say it wasn't six literal 24 hour days either. . . . How do we know one reading is false and the other true?
This magazine sounds awful.
this excellent little video sumamrises some of the evidence for the evolutionary history of cetaceans.. if focuses on comparative anatomy, embryology, fossils and dna.. .... .
How else do you account for the small pelvis and leg bones that are buried deep in the blubber of whales?
Jehovah designed whales that way to test our faith.
sexual exploitation and abuse of six young children leads to lawsuit in dallas county.
dallas, oct. 23, 2014 / six young adults, from north texas, all sexually abused as children, filed suit today in dallas, texas state court against three north texas jehovahs witnesses congregations (dallas, plano, and greenville), the watchtower bible and tract society of new york, and an elder.. sexually abused when they were ages 4 through 14, the plaintiffs were children of members of the dallas, plano, and greenville jehovahs witnesses congregations.
the suit states that they were repeatedly sexually abused and molested by an elder and an unknown regional circuit overseer, and that they and their families were threatened with discipline and harm if they disclosed the abuse to anyone.
Geez! It's like a set of lawsuits every other week now!